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Saturday, 10 September 2022

Lifestyle changes that gradually led to a new and fulfilling career

nutrition online study

After his health transformation, Mitch Kemmis became a personal trainer to help others create healthy lives. What started as a side hustle to his 9-5 accounting career became Mitch’s main hustle and inspired him to study nutrition.

“I’ve always loved food and thought I ate healthy until I learnt more,” Mitch said. “One day, I watched a PT run a boot camp in the park. I’d come to a point in life where I knew I had to make my health a priority. I did exercise and nutrition coaching with him, and the experience changed my life. I lost 20 kilos and kept it off. But more importantly, I fell in love with exercise and opened my eyes to the importance of nutrition.”

Mitch completed his Certificate III and IV and started running PT classes morning and night around his senior corporate role. When it became unsustainable, Mitch realised that he wanted to leave the corporate world to pursue his passion full-time and upskill with a nutrition course.

“As a PT, I needed to understand more about nutrition so that I could offer my clients more,” Mitch said. “People expect PTs to have this knowledge, but many PTs do not. There is a lot of nutrition information available online, but it’s hard for people to know what’s real and what’s not. There are also so many myths out there. Like the phobia that some people have about carbs or their faith in supplements. I wanted to understand the science behind healthy eating so that I could explain it well to my clients.”

“Endeavour’s nutrition short courses were the best online courses I’ve ever done,” Mitch says. “They were well-structured and well-written and included plenty of embedded links to more information. I learnt a lot of useful things that I would never have discovered doing research online.”

“My experience changed my relationship with food forever. I didn’t expect to cover sustainability in a nutrition short course, but it has made me more aware of the environmental impacts of my lifestyle choices. I’m a much more conscious consumer.”

Mitch talks with his PT clients about different aspects of nutrition and has run several workshops. Ideally, he would like to create a premium service combining personal training and nutritional coaching. Mitch simply loves what he does. So much so, there’s no way he’s going back to the corporate world.

Interested in Nutrition?

Discover the world of nutrition through our practical, evidence-based courses. Find out more about our range of Nutrition Short Courses.

Endeavour College of Natural Health

Endeavour College of Natural Health is Australia's largest Higher Education provider of natural medicine courses.

The College is known as the centre of excellence for natural medicine and is respected for its internationally recognised academic teams and high calibre graduates. Endeavour offers higher education Diplomas in Health Science and Bachelor of Health Science degrees in Naturopathy, Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine, Acupuncture Therapies and Chinese Medicine.

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